Ministry purpose: To encourage all men to FLOW to greatness! We invite new and seasoned men to commit to educating and nurturing one another for our new and/or renewed lives in Christ.

We help each other recognize that God is with us and that we can use our life’s experiences to build each other up as we work together to reclaim the lost for Christ and that we may take our rightful positions, as scripturally ordained by God, in our homes, our Church and in our communities.

When we meet: Monthly – 2nd Saturday – except certain holidays, special events, and our Summer Sabbatical

Meeting time (s): 8:30  am – 10:00 am

Meeting place: Church – 4th Floor

Volunteers: Christian male members of NMOBC that desire to help plan, set up, and close out our meeting events.

Who we serve: All male members, non-members, and their guests.