Ministry purpose: To pray along with our members over our Pastor and Executive Pastor and their families;  Ministerial Staff; its Employees and Security; Members and Visitors; Friends; all Communities around the world; and those in High Places to God, through the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus. Matt. 18(NASB) We gather with you at the altar during Sunday Services; are present during Wednesday Night Prayer Fest; and pray over your Prayer Requests / Praise Report cards on Saturday mornings. 24-Hour Prayer Line: 954-536-8711.

The types of prayers we pray are:  Communion (Praying without ceasing), Supplication (Lifting up our needs), Intercession (On behalf of others),  Spiritual Warfare (Battling our Personal Issues); Repentance and Forgiveness; Putting on the Full Armor of God; Dealing with Satanic issues, and (Binding and Loosing),  Agreement (Corporate Prayer), Watch and Pray (as Watchmen), Thanksgiving (Counting Blessings).


When we meet: Weekly – Saturdays – including the Summer Sabbatical, and except holidays and major Church events.

Meeting time (s): 10:00  am– 12:00 noon

Meeting place: NMOBC – G. E. Weaver Chapel

Who should join: Dedicated and serious members who will fast and pray, as listed above, for the body of Christ, our Communities, issues which are affecting the World, etc.