Year of Transformation; Transformed Through Discipleship

Author: newmountolive

2025 The Year of Transformation

2025 The Year of Transformation

Church Declaration for This Year

We the New Mount Olive Baptist Church, surrender ourselves to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.

We strive to conform to the image of Christ, as witnesses of the Gospel, for the transformation of the world!

Transformed Through Discipleship

“If any one of you wants to follow me, you must deny yourself, pick up your cross daily, and follow me,” Jesus told all of them. “For if you want to save your life, you will lose it; and if you lose your life for my sake, you will save it. What do you benefit by gaining the whole world if you end up lost or destroyed?

Luke 9:23-25

2024 The Year of Transformation

2024 The Year of Transformation

Church Declaration for This Year

We the New Mount Olive Baptist Church, surrender ourselves to the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit.

We strive to conform to the image of Christ, as witnesses of the Gospel, for the transformation of the world!

Transformed Through Sharing the Gospel

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

Mark 16:15

Campus Development Project

Campus Development Project

Commencement of the Campus Development Project Coming Soon!

Stay tuned for upcoming updates on the NMOBC Multipurpose Building’s new construction! Get a glimpse of what’s to come in the bulletin insert, the lobby monitor, and at

A Prayer for a New Year

A Prayer for a New Year

As you look back over the past year, do you see patterns that need amending, habits that need rending, and do you find yourself defending your actions and attitudes? Are you longing for something different this year? If you want to move ahead, start over, and experience a year of victory, not defeat, then maybe this prayer will help to inspire you.

Lord Jesus, I come to you in this brand new year with a desire to move forward, not backward. Last year is gone, and with it all the foolish mistakes I made. I’m eager to put the past behind and to press on toward the mark of knowing you, loving you, serving you, and making Your name known in this coming year.

I don’t ask for cheap grace, because I know it cost You, Your life. You gave everything for me, so I could have a new beginning—every day of every year. Thank You for Your underserved favor and unlimited mercy—and Your grace, that keeps on giving. Thank You for making me Your child. Forgive me for ignoring Your voice at times, for pursuing my own pleasures, and for letting my priorities slip. Your promise is like gold to me: Your offer of forgiveness, Your unfailing compassion, and Your new mercies daily.

I need You, Lord. Without You, I can’t meet the heavy demands of life or the unrelenting pressures that I’ll face this coming year. I am making a new commitment today—not a New Year’s resolution—but a new desire to place You where You always belong, first place in my life. Make the “I will’s” of Scripture become my affirmations: “I will trust You; I will praise You; I will follow You.” I will replace fear with faith, knowing You are always with me. And with You on my side, it will be a victorious New Year.