Ministry purpose: To train today’s children to become tomorrow’s Christian leaders in every aspect of society and culture. AWANA is a global leader in child and youth discipleship that equips local kids who should volunteer in Churches around the world with Biblical evangelism and discipleship solutions.
When we meet: Weekly – Wednesday except certain holidays, special events, and summer sabbatical
Volunteers: Adults who have a passion for teaching youth the Word of God through lessons and activities
Who we serve: Children ages 2 – 16
Ministry purpose: To be very intentional in educating, empowering, and equipping believers to strive toward discipleship. We strive to save, reach, and win souls to Christ based on the Great Commission. Participants receive biblical lessons from church leaders and actively engage in class discussions to gain clarity as they incorporate the knowledge gained into their daily lives.
When we meet: Topical Sunday School Class: 4th Floor Conf. Room – 9:30 am – 10:30 am
Adult Sunday School Class: Sanctuary – 9:30am – 10:30am
The following classes meet: 9:30am—10:30am
Adult Men Sunday School: 4th Floor – Front area
Generations Sunday School Class: Chapel
Junior/Youth/Intermediate Sunday School Class: 4th Floor Back area
Kindergarten Sunday School Class : Room 414
Nursery Sunday School Class: Room 415
Primary Sunday School Class: Room 418
Young Adult Sunday School: Christian Growth Room
Ministry purpose: To create an atmosphere of worship to the Glory of God by using our temples as living sacrifices magnifying the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Participants learn how to effectively deliver biblical messages through dancing, movements, and physical expressions.
When we meet: Tuesday’s at 7:00pm
Volunteers: Youth ages 8 – 18 / Adults willing to assist the dancers
Ministry purpose: To serve the Lord by providing support and assistance to the Senior Pastor, staff and ministering to the needs of members of the church. Deacons also carry out benevolent work of the Church by visiting the sick and being alert to the spiritual needs of the congregation allowing the pastoral staff to focus on prayer and the ministry of the Word of God. They also promote unity within the church and help spread the gospel.
Volunteers: All Church Deacons must be members of NMOBC and are appointed by the Senior Pastor.
Ministry purpose: To assist the Pastor in developing the spiritual life of the women of our church for Christian service through faith, friendship, and fellowship. We pray for the Pastor, Ministerial and Church staff, and every member of our church family. We work with the Deacons by providing friendship and fellowship to the entire church family, focusing on our needy, sick and distressed members. We attend and participate in local, district, state, and national Baptist Associations, Conventions, and Congresses. We equip newly converted believers for the ordinance of Baptism and prepare the table and elements of the Holy Communion. We serve as role models for all women in our church and work to be “salt” and “light.” Matthew 5:16; Colossians 3:17
Volunteers: All Church Deaconess must be members of NMOBC and are appointed by the Senior Pastor.
Ministry purpose: To give new members a clear understanding of the significance of their new life in Christ. We explain the responsibilities and benefits inherited due to the Christian experience and define membership in God’s church and how to use God’s Word as the final authority. This class also seeks to emphasize the distinction between church membership and Christian Discipleship.
DDO helps members understand and reaffirm their conversion experience and commitment to Christ and the church. It helps them understand and accept the responsibilities of Christian Discipleship (Bible Study, Prayer, Tithing, Charitable Giving and Worship).
Membership is confirmed by Baptism (submersion);, or a letter of Christian Experience; and are extended the right hand of fellowship.
When we meet: Weekly (4 weeks) – Sunday – 4th Floor Conference Room.
Fast Track (2 weeks) Saturday’s- VIA Zoom.
Meeting time (s): Sunday: 9:30am – 10:30am Fast Track Saturday: 9:00am – 11:00am
Ministry purpose: To minister the Word of God through drama and theatrics. The ministry takes the Word of God and develops plays and stories that shed light on biblical narratives, while its audience gains spiritual and enlightening biblical knowledge. This ministry links spiritual gifts, professional training, natural skills, and creative abilities together, to help others to become empowered by the Glory of God.
When we meet: Tuesday – See our online calendar for updates
Meeting time (s): 6:30pm – 8:00 pm
Volunteers: The Drama ministry should attract anyone who desires to learn the art of Christian drama (writing, acting, directing, etc.). It is for members that have the desire to understand the Word of God in a form other than written or verbal communication.
Ministry purpose: To create a Sunday Teen Worship experience for our youth to have fun building relationships with friends as they learn the importance of increasing their faith and relationship with God and grow personally and spiritually. Our doing these things will help them to Encounter God’s purpose for their lives and to prepare them to learn to minister to their families and peers
When we meet: Every 2nd & 4th Sunday –See our online calendar for updates
Meeting time (s): 10:45am
Meeting place: The Encounter Teen Worship service is held in the Chapel
Volunteers: Innovative adults who enjoy working with youth ministry groups
Who we serve: Youth ages 12 – 18 years old
Ministry purpose: To train members in understanding and applying effective evangelism outreach practices. We participate in New Members’ Training with the intended goal of building additional competent Evangelism methods trainers.
When we meet: Monthly outreach – 1st Saturday to pray for and reach lost souls in our communities we venture with the sole purpose of introducing others to the love of God. We support other ministries and community events
Volunteers: Adults who have a passion for teaching youth the Word of God through lessons and activities
Who should join: All Church members so that they will be prepared to witness the Good News of God to everyone they meet.
Who we serve: Non-believers, the lost, and each other.
Ministry purpose: To teach kids that learning about God can be fun as they sing praise and worship songs along with their friends. We teach Biblical lessons on their level that hold their attention and are easy for them to remember. We let them know that they matter to God and us as we introduce and reinforce their worship experience of God’s Word through multi-faceted learning approaches.
When we meet: Every Sunday
Meeting time (s): 10:45am
Meeting place: NMOBC 4th Floor of the Church
Volunteers: Adults who love helping children to learn Biblical principles
Who we serve: Children ages 4 – 12 years old
Ministry purpose: To spread the gospel through technology and to enhance the worship experience.
When we meet: All Ministry Events.
Meeting time (s): Every Sunday and Wednesday for Church Services, Bible Study, and Special Events.
Meeting place: Main Sanctuary – Media Station
Who should join: Anyone wishing to help spread the Word of God through technology.
Who we serve: Please obtain and complete a Media Ministry Request Form from the Church at least a month before your event. More details upon your request.
Ministry purpose: To encourage all men to FLOW to greatness! We invite new and seasoned men to commit to educating and nurturing one another for our new and/or renewed lives in Christ.
We help each other recognize that God is with us and that we can use our life’s experiences to build each other up as we work together to reclaim the lost for Christ and that we may take our rightful positions, as scripturally ordained by God, in our homes, our Church and in our communities.
When we meet: Monthly – 2nd Saturday – except certain holidays, special events, and our Summer Sabbatical
Volunteers: Christian male members of NMOBC that desire to help plan, set up, and close out our meeting events.
Who we serve: All male members, non-members, and their guests.
Ministry purpose: The purpose of our ministry is to lead our congregation in the worship of the true and living God through a variety of musical styles and offerings creating the ultimate worship experience. Our Music Ministry consists of our Youth, Young Adult, Men’s, and Consolation Choirs, along with our Praise Team, singing group Sweet Anointing, and musicians. We also seek to discover and develop the musical abilities of all the NMOBC members.
When we meet: Weekly
Meeting time (s): Please check our online Calendar at NMOBC.ORG or contact the Church for more information
Meeting place: The choir stand – sometimes in the G. E. Weaver Chapel
Who should join: Anyone who is a member of the NMOBC; loves the Music Ministry; has a desire to serve through music and a willingness to develop their musical abilities through study and rehearsals.
Ministry purpose: To pray along with our members over our Pastor and Executive Pastor and their families; Ministerial Staff; its Employees and Security; Members and Visitors; Friends; all Communities around the world; and those in High Places to God, through the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus. Matt. 18(NASB) We gather with you at the altar during Sunday Services; are present during Wednesday Night Prayer Fest; and pray over your Prayer Requests / Praise Report cards on Saturday mornings. 24-Hour Prayer Line: 954-536-8711.
The types of prayers we pray are: Communion (Praying without ceasing), Supplication (Lifting up our needs), Intercession (On behalf of others), Spiritual Warfare (Battling our Personal Issues); Repentance and Forgiveness; Putting on the Full Armor of God; Dealing with Satanic issues, and (Binding and Loosing), Agreement (Corporate Prayer), Watch and Pray (as Watchmen), Thanksgiving (Counting Blessings).
Who should join: Dedicated and serious members who will fast and pray, as listed above, for the body of Christ, our Communities, issues which are affecting the World, etc.
Ministry purpose: To bring the Good News of the Gospel to open ears as we teach the Word of God to thirsty minds. We pray for those with broken hearts in hopes of reviving their spiritual lives and help to develop their commitment to the Word of God. We go into prisons, jails, and halfway houses petitioning incarcerated men and women to turn their lives over to Jesus Christ. We pray for the restoration of the victims, prisoners, ex-offenders, their families, and safer and healthier communities.
When we meet: Our female members visit the Pompano jail every Saturday morning starting at 9:00 am – 10:30 am.
Our male members visit the Pompano Men’s jail from 8:00 am to 10:00 am and the Main jail from 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm on Saturdays; the Pompano jail from 8:00 am to 9:00am on Sundays; the Main jail from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm on Wednesdays; and participate in the Halfway Houses’ Sunday Services every 2nd and 4th Sunday from 8:00 am – 9:15 am
Meeting time (s): see our online calendar for updates
Meeting place: Different facilities and NMOBC
Volunteers: This ministry requires people who are committed to studying and sharing the word of God with incarcerated or similar people 2 or 3 times per month.
Who we serve: We minister to all inmates that are drawn to us in the local facilities that we visit. We also reach out to our incarcerated members regardless of where they are to let them know that we love and are praying for them. When possible, we correspond with them and send Church CD’s and DVD’s, and Church materials to them and or their facilities in hopes that they may access it.
Do you know any of our incarcerated members? Please contact the Church with their Name, current Facility name and address and inmate number, and any other pertinent information you would like to provide.
Ministry purpose: To serve the Lord Jesus Christ as Doorkeepers in the house of God. We are responsible for welcoming and seating guests as they enter the sanctuary; maintaining the order of the services and receiving the offering. We serve during Sunday Church services, Prayer Ministry, Bible Study, Funerals, Special Events, and sometimes offsite events when requested by the Pastor.
Volunteers: Members of New Mount Olive Baptist Church who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and are willing to follow the Mission and Vision of the Church. The youth, ages 8 through 18 years old, do not have to be members of the Church.
Ministry purpose: To bring women of all ages together for fellowship and growth, meeting our needs of Empowerment, Education, Motivation, and Inspiration for Christian Growth. We help women grow and mature through Jesus Christ into Godly Women, Wives, and Mothers as they learn how to apply God’s Word through teachings, fellowshipping, and activities.
Volunteers: Women, who enjoy ministering to other women through helping to strategize, promote and plan upcoming events, as well as assist with setting up and closing out events.
Who should join: All women ages 18 and up
Ministry purpose: To focus on our Church’s mission to F.L.O.W. to Greatness through Fellowship, Leadership, Ownership, and Worship. Our ministry is designed for the young adults of our Church to actively get involved in Kingdom Building and connect with other young adults to develop their personal relationship with Christ, as well as fellowshipping, learning the Word. and sharing with others. We actively engage in helping others through our monthly service projects. We also fellowship through monthly outings.
When we meet: Please join us for G.R.A.C.E. Sunday School. see our online calendar for updates
Meeting time (s): Sunday—10:00am – 11:00am
Meeting place: NMOBC 4th Floor Conference Room
Who should join: Those with a passion for helping young adults find out how to establish Godly connections with their peers and where they would be most effective in the body of Christ.
Who we serve: All single and married young adults between the ages of 19 – 35
Ministry purpose: The Purpose of this ministry is to provide emotional and spiritual support, temporary family relief (if needed), and loving care to our, elderly, and sick and shut-in members. We share the love of Christ with those we serve with commitment and dedication spiritually and emotionally in hopes of making a difference in their lives.
Volunteers: All members who have a passion to aid, assist, help, and visit with the elderly and others who have health conditions.
Ministry purpose: To reach out to our Church members and their families whose loved ones have transitioned to provide comfort; to listen to and talk with you to encourage healing. We want you to know that we are just like family and that you are not alone as you experience heartache in the loss. First, it is our purpose to encourage and comfort you. Second, it is to share grief wisdom and insights with you according to the bible. Third, to allow you and additional grieving individuals to come alongside each other, sharing your journey of grief.
Volunteers: Members with a heart of compassion for those in bereavement.
Who we serve: We serve all NMOBC members who experience the death of their loved ones. Please call the Church at 954-463-5126, to contact us.
Ministry purpose: To greet and welcome our visitors and congregation as they enter the lobby of our Church before services begin. We are there to answer questions, assist and direct guests to the main sanctuary, nursery, etc. as needed. We conduct Fellowship Time during the services wherein visitors, special guests, and groups are recognized; we hand out visitor information about our Church and encourage everyone to greet each other. We aim to ensure that everyone experiences the love and warmth of God’s people every time they enter our Church doors.
When we meet: Before each Sunday Service
Volunteers: Hospitality members are our frontline and must genuinely be able to convey the Love of God to everyone they meet. They must have a good attitude, have a friendly disposition, and are courteous and helpful when assisting others.
Who we serve: Everyone that enters our doors before service is greeted and assisted when needed.
Ministry purpose: To encourage and enrich married couples to F.L.O.W. to greatness together through Fellowship, Leadership, Ownership, and Worship. To help them implement plans that will improve the quality of their marriages in areas such as communication, intimacy, finances, and more.
Marriage enrichment promotes a mutual commitment to growth in the marital relationship; helping to develop an agreed upon communication style of talking and listening that works for the couple. It helps our couples learn how to be creative when faced with conflict. This includes the sharing of feelings and the development and maintenance of the desire for and the presence of intimacy through various positive interaction.
Volunteers: Married couples of the Church, members of our community, friends, and family who would like to learn about keeping and making their marriages stronger through Godly principles.
Ministry purpose: We provide a nursery that is environmentally safe and clean. We hope to establish an atmosphere of love and laughter for young children so they may enjoy their time with us, and to give their parents confidence (as best we can) that their precious children are being cared for by loving and trustworthy caregivers.
When we meet: Every Sunday, except 5th Sunday
Meeting time (s): 11:00 am
Meeting place: NMOBC 4th Floor – Rooms 412-413
Volunteers: Member’s that have experience providing care for young children.
Who we serve: Ages 0-3 years old. (Up to age 4, if the parent/guardian feels the child isn’t ready to matriculate to Kidz Korner (Children’s Church)
Ministry purpose: To serve and develop youth ages 6-11 through a thirteen-core value program ending in a Rite of Passage / GEMS Ceremony. We also Holistically Develop youth ages 6-11 to their Full God – Given Potential. P.A.C.K will focus on 13 Crucial Core Values with experiential activities through Faith, Family, Fitness, Finance, and Freedom. (This ministry replaces Boy & Girl Scouts for our Church.
When we meet: With Kids Korner on Sunday and AWANA Club on Wednesday
Meeting time (s): Sunday at 10:45 am Wednesday at 6:30 pm
Meeting place: NMOBC
Volunteers: We need volunteers who will participate and support all facets of the program using sound leadership skills as well as showing love and passion for the overall development of your child. Volunteers are expected to attend all scheduled meetings, conference calls, and participate in activities. Volunteers also need to champion the total program in areas of recruiting, development, marketing promotions, and fundraising.
Who we serve: Youth Groups ages 6 – 8 and 9 – 11 years
Ministry purpose: To welcome new and returning members, and those under watch-care to our church. We also pray for those who request private prayer. We collect their information for the church and follow-up with the new and returning members to schedule their attendance to our Discipleship Development Orientation Classes. We do follow-up calls to our visitors, to ask how they enjoyed our services and to invite them to visit us again.
When we meet: Quarterly Meetings Partnering on Sunday
Meeting time (s): After each service
Meeting place: NMOBC – G. E. Weaver Chapel
Volunteers: Members with welcoming spirits to help support the needs of our new and returning members.
Ministry purpose: To encourage both women and men over the age of 55 to get together for fellowship and to extend our vision of what it means to be older Christian women and men. We partner with other ministries to disciple and mentor our youth; help them to build healthy new friendships; organize outings and connect them with Church and community resources encouraging them to know that they still have a purpose in God’s Kingdom.
Volunteers: Members who enjoy assisting our seasoned saints with positive activities.
Who should join: Anyone age 55 years or older
Ministry purpose: To initiate and support activities that F.L.O.W. Fellowship, Leadership, Ownership, and Worship for the Church. We assist other ministries within the Church as well as create innovative plans for special Church events for the Church body.
Volunteers: This ministry seeks actively engaged members who desire to work under the leadership of the Senior Pastor. Participation is Senior Pastor approved.
Ministry purpose: To support and encourage single men and women to accept and settle into their current status as a single person and allow them to open their hearts and minds up to a greater level of intimacy with God. They will learn how to walk maturely and confidently in the freedom that God is allowing them to have as singles as they seek His purposes and plans for their lives.
Our singles will also learn to apply biblical instructions to their lives being confident that choosing to live this way saves them from avoidable disappointments; the loss of self-worth; and self-esteem. They will gain the confidence they need to live whole and fulfilling lives, as they learn the importance of how and why the Word teaches what it does to prepare them for Godly relationships with the opposite sex possibly leading to marriage. They will gain knowledge of how to break all bondages, realize that they may have a broken heart and how to seek and get healing to become whole.
Volunteers: Member who would enjoy helping to coordinate training sessions to aid and encourage singles as they maintain their singleness.
Who we serve: All Church single members 18-years old and up.
Ministry purpose: To promote Kingdom building by providing transportation for the elderly and congregants to Church services, and Church-related activities. They must live within a 10-mile radius of the Church and have limited access to personal transportation that prohibits them from regularly attending Church.
Volunteers: Drivers must be members of our Church and possess a valid Driver’s License and have a good driving record; can successfully complete our safety, maintenance, and route training, and can assist riders when needed.
Who we serve: If you or someone you know needs transportation, please complete a request card at the receptionist’s desk or contact the Church at 954-463-5126.
Ministry purpose: To ensure that students are empowered to be intentional life-long learners. The tutorial ministry supports the educational development of students from grades 3 – 12. Our objectives are to: Establish a good working relationship with the students. Improve students’ thinking and listening skills Encourage students to have respect for God, themselves and other People.
Establish rules of conduct and encourage good behavior. Motivate Students to organize materials and develop good study habits.
When we meet: Every Tuesday (based on Broward County Schools Calendar)
Meeting time (s): 4:30pm—6:30 pm
Meeting place: 4th Floor – Southeast Area – NMOBC
Volunteers: Anyone that will commit to the program that can teach students with patience, and has a passion for helping kids excel.
Who we service: Grades 3-12 students who want to increase and enhance their academic success.
For more information about this ministry, please email (Ministry Coordinator) or call the church office at 954-463-5126
Ministry purpose: To transform information into knowledge for promoting health that allows us to do Christ-centered work in the Church, the Community, and our homes. We seek to foster a healthier future for everyone through encouraging better eating and exercising habits, and self professional care.
Scripture focus: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV– 19 19Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own” 20 “you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.”
Volunteers: Anyone with an interest in and passion for health and wellness
Who should join: All Church members
Ministry purpose: The purpose of our ministry is to empower God’s People through a biblically-
based, practical and engaging, yet challenging message of stewardship that will impact families
and transform their lives to servitude and giving God’s way. We help the Church’s members to
focus on the whole person through wise stewardship. We teach our members how to establish
and keep a healthy relationship with money and material possessions in their own lives.
Stewardship is EVERYTHING we do after we say, “I believe!”
We know that a congregation with an active and clearly defined financial team can help the
Church to accomplish its primary tasks with minimum worry and with maximum hope. The Word
teaches us that, “The mission of the Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Local Churches
provide the most significant arena through which disciple-making occurs.” (The 2008 Book of
Discipline, Par. 120, page 87)
Who should join: All members who want to be inspired and/or those who are inspired to
establish solid financial habits by learning and sharing the biblical principles of being good
Ministry purpose: MODCO was incorporated in 1994 as a Community Development Corporation for the New Mount Olive Baptist Church. MODCO’s mission is to revitalize urban communities by providing strategic programs that promote economic development, create jobs and focus on strengthening families through Public Services, Affordable Housing, and Entrepreneurial Ventures. Our Programs include:
Affordable Housing: MODCO built one single-family house in partnership with Habitat for Humanity.
MODCO rehabilitated two, two-story apartment dwellings totaling 17 units.
MODCO built “The Dr. Mack King Carter Enrichment Center,” a two-story mixed-use facility with four one-bedroom apartments on the top Floor and a Program Offices on the bottom Floor.